What date isit today?? 14th june............14th....14th.......why is the date so..... nvm forget about tis date..........
Anyway today sunday...Nth much to do......Just as usualy audi-ing...But also will siian de rite ==
Lets talk about ytd !!
Sat :
Morning was on msn...Suddenly got people ask me to play pool ....Not swimming pool ah , is Billard that pool...At first i was lyk "Eh i very lazy go out leh" Then after thinking twice i agreed to go lorh...So it was raining!!! wth then dun feel lyk going le...But after that stopped raining so still went hehe!
Played A few rounds then sian liao so stop playing....Went KFC to eat....Then Heartland mall having some Idol thingy ..I stand there watch for awhile then got 1 singer OMG horrible voice !!! All the glass will break when she sing sia!!! Anyway so horrible until i cant go on listening any longer so go buy my Snackers and sat down to have a chat with my buddies...After that GO HOME!!! hehe !